When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I found two records among my father’s collection that would change things forever: The Beatles Abbey Road and Revolver. Another important event was finding a guitar in a closet. From that point on, my interest in music grew day by day. After school, all I wanted to do was listen to music and try to play the guitar, which at that time, I had no idea how to do.
We lived in the 3rd floor of a building across the street from the Botanical Garden in Buenos Aires and on the 9th floor, Classical guitarist Irma Costanzo had a guitar studio. So, to get to my first guitar lessons, all I had to do was take the elevator.
By 10th grade, I was a full time music student, taking guitar, piano, harmony and voice lessons, traveling all over Buenos Aires by bus and train, and going to school at night.
The 1982 war with England, and Argentina’s return to democracy in 1983, had an important impact on the local music scene. Live music pubs emerged all over the city, and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity of making money playing the guitar while I continued my studies. In addition to playing in a couple of rock bands, I became an acoustic guitar accompanist for folk singers.

A lesson with Joe Pass at GIT, the guitar program of Musicians Institute.
As I grew older, my father got me listening to his Django Reinhard collection and took me out to listen to live Jazz. That was another turning point. I realized that jazz improvisation was what I really wanted to learn, and in 1985 I decided to move to Los Angeles to attend GIT, the guitar program of Musicians Institute. At MI I had a chance to learn from some amazing players like Joe Pass, Scott Henderson, Joe Diorio & Robben Ford.
I never thought I would stay in US for so long, but one thing leads to another, and here we are!